I'm Moving to Arizona!

I’ve kept this one under wraps for over two months which, if you know me well, is a record. But here it is: I’M MOVING TO ARIZONA!Well, relocating might be the better word.That’s right, folks, I am finally shifting my base of operations after 10 months of essentially being stagnant. Although this post is going to be shorter than my previous ones (because I haven’t traveled there yet), I still want to share a little information with you today about this decision and how I’m going to pull it off safely! 

The Decision to Move

Moving to Arizona was a pretty big decision for me, but it was also one I made in, like, thirty seconds. My best friend asked me if I wanted to indefinitely escape the winter and I said “yes” almost immediately.The biggest benefit of my lifestyle is that I can pick up and go virtually anywhere I want whenever I want.I wanted to keep it under wraps while we were solidifying our plans but, now that it’s officially official, I couldn’t not share! 

How I’m Preparing

If you joined me for my London trip in October of 2019, you know about my *lists.*For those of you who weren’t with me yet…My lists have lists.I love lists.Moving to Arizona is no different! I have a “Bucket List” list with pictures of every place I want to see. My best friend and I have a budget sheet, a to-do list, and a document outlining every last detail of our road trip, our stops, and an approximate timeline.Essentially, we’re ready.In a few weeks, after we're settled, I'll show you how I actually ended up organizing everything for this crazy cross-country endeavor. There were lots of tears.I'm kidding.Only a few tears. 

How I’ll Be Staying Safe

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I posted (what I thought was) a funny caption a couple weeks ago about how to travel safely during the pandemic. And I’m following my own rules!My best friend and I will be driving from Rhode Island to Arizona with a one strategic stop along the way. We’re staying with family who have been social distancing, and we’re both getting tested before we leave. Masks are going to be worn at all times when we’re not in the car, we have gloves for the gas station, and I’m bringing an entire container of Lysol wipes.If you think I’m not wiping down a public toilet before putting toilet paper on the seat, you’re mistaken.My OCD is so excited for this trip. She finally gets to shine. Have you ever done a big road trip before? Any recommendations?!


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