Back and Older Than Ever

Well, folks, it’s certainly been a while. I have about seven articles lined up that I’m hoping to post in the upcoming weeks, but first, I want to take a couple minutes to tell you what I’ve been up to these last 16 months. 

I Turned 25

March 29th, I successfully entered into the stage of my life that I affectionately call My Quarter-Life Crisis. After spending my 22nd and 23rd birthdays trying not to breathe other people’s air and my 24th birthday in flight attendant training, I got to spend my 25th with Sam, cake, and Netflix. It was honestly awesome. 

I Met Sam

Technically, I met Sam before my last blog post, but only by a few days. From our first date, I was totally gone on this guy. He’s one of the kindest, funniest, and smartest people I’ve ever known and meeting him marked the beginning of the shift in my life that’s brought me to where I am today. We celebrated our one year anniversary on February 19th, and I couldn’t be happier to wake up next to him every day. Unless my snoring wakes him up first, but we don’t talk about that. 

Look how cute. I’m so lucky.

I Moved

Speaking of where I am today, I moved to Phoenix in March of last year. The move itself was tumultuous and crazy in ways I never expected. After a series of unforeseen events left me without a place to live, Sam offered to let me move in with him until I could find a place. When I did find an apartment six weeks later, it turned out I already had a place to call home: him. Needless to say, I didn’t sign the lease. 

I Changed Jobs…Three Times


When I first came out to Phoenix, it was to work as a flight attendant for a small charter airline. After four weeks of training in North Carolina and Miami, I headed back to Phoenix, moved in with Sam, and started flying on the regular. I loved being in the sky, but came across some fundamental differences with the company regarding the prioritization of their employee’s health.

After that, I went to work for a car dealership here in Phoenix for a couple of months. It definitely wasn’t for me but it helped pay the bills, so I kept taking interviews on my days off and ended up going to work for Wyndham Destinations. I absolutely loved my time there and working for a timeshare company definitely had its perks. Sam and I went on two amazing trips and I look back on my time and the people there fondly.

A month ago, I was offered a five-figure raise to go work for an IMO in Scottsdale. It’s closer to my house, I get to wear jeans to work, and did I mention the raise? It’s amazing. 

I Took Two Trips

Sam and I took two trips last year, one to Disneyland and one to Boston and Rhode Island. Both were magical.

I’m a Disney kid through and through. I also love Pixar, and Marvel, and Star Wars. Getting to see Galaxy’s Edge and the Avengers Campus made me cry the happiest of tears. We got to meet Spiderman, Captain America, R2D2, Winnie the Pooh, and so many others. We also went on a ferris wheel in Pixar Pier that made me feel like I was going to die. So, you know, highs and lows.

Being able to take Sam back home was a dream come true. We were in the midst of watching a series set in Boston, so going around and pointing out all the landmarks from the show was one of our favorite parts. Rhode Island was awesome, and not just because I got to see my family again. It took moving across the country to realize how much I missed that little state. Sam and I went to Newport for a couple days to see the sights and tour one of the mansions, then spent a couple days in West Warwick and East Greenwich where I grew up. I’m pretty sure we had seafood every single day. The East Coast truly has some of the best food ever, and I will die on that hill. 

Nerd alert! It’s me, I’m the nerd.

My Family Visited

My mom, dad, and brother all made it out to Phoenix and showing them around brought so much joy to my heart. My mom was blown away by the Grand Canyon, my dad thought Sedona was like heaven on earth, and my brother left actually thinking I was a cool sister.

They were all right. 

We Got a Cat

Sam and I had talked about getting a cat since we first started dating, but I’ve always been allergic. After spending some time researching breeds that wouldn’t make me need to take Benadryl every day, we found a few that we narrowed down as possibilities. After that, we just needed to find the right time.

It turns out, the right time found us.

I literally can’t. So handsome. So little.

After we got back from the East Coast, I got some serious cat fever and we found this beautiful little Siamese/Himalayan baby online. We arranged a meeting for the next day and took him home that night.

We named him Walter after one of the characters on that show I was telling you about earlier. His favorite activities include destroying paper towels, meowing louder than a little baby kitty should be able to, and cuddling.

Our lives and possessions will never be the same.

So that’s been my last year or so. How have you been doing?


I'm Moving to Arizona!