HIWTSI So-Me: You NEED an Instagram

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you’re a small business owner, you NEED an Instagram account. I know that, for a lot of people, the idea of actually being legit on Instagram instead of just posting pictures of your dog every now and then is scary. How often should I be posting? What the hell is the algorithm? What if people think I’m “trying too hard?”The answers are, in order: more on that later, the bane of my existence, and screw ‘em.Instagram is one of the most valuable tools you can have in your social media (So-Me) arsenal. So today, I want to take you through some of the interweb’s (I’m aware it’s not a word) most searched questions about my favorite So-Me platform. 

What is Instagram?

Instagram is a visual-based So-Me platform. In layman’s terms: people post photos. That’s it! That’s the bare minimum.However, if you’re a business, I would strongly recommend you do more than that. You can:

  • add captions to your photos to tell your audience what it is about
  • tag other accounts in your photos to give credit for a product or try and get that brand’s attention
  • use hashtags to help people with similar interests find your photo
  • tag your location so that, when people search for your town or city, they can see your photo

And that’s just your photos! Don’t get me started on Instagram stories and reels... 

What’s the difference between a private and a public account?

The biggest difference, obviously, is that people have to request to follow a private account and don’t have to request to follow a public account.I know you’re not stupid.From a BUSINESS perspective, the difference is that you cannot have a private Instagram Business Page. If you choose to take advantage of Instagram’s Business Insights and perks, then you need to have a public account.With that said, you can have more than one Instagram account! If you want to have one for your business and one for your personal life (where you post about your kids, family, partner, pet, etc), that’s totally doable. In fact, I strongly encourage this!I, personally, have three accounts. One for my brand, one for a different brand that I’ve yet to start, and one for all my complaining. 

Can Instagram pay you?

In short, to the best of my knowledge, no. If you are simply promoting your business on Instagram, there is no reason for Instagram to pay you (or you to pay them). There are some moderately priced advertising options you can look into if you’d like to promote/sponsor specific posts; however I’ve never heard of anyone getting paid JUST for being on Instagram. 

How does the Algorithm work?

This is actually something I plan on addressing in its own post in the future, so I’ll give a brief explanation here. The Instagram Algorithm, essentially, determines who sees your posts.Sounds simple right?The thing is: nobody knows for certain how it works.Everything I’m going to share in my post is based on trial-and-error over the better part of 18 months. I can say, however, that consistency is key. 

How often should I be posting?

First off, stop thinking like this. So many people get sucked into the number trap of saying “oh I need to post everyday but don’t know what to say! Guess I’ll just post this.”Never, I repeat, NEVER “just post” something.If you’re in the business of growing your business (ha), your content should be value-driven and consistent. It doesn’t mean posting everyday, or even every other day.I post on my account twice a week. The photos are high quality, and the captions always aim to teach or tell a story. My followers know that I’m showing up every Tuesday and every Friday with something new.It doesn’t matter how many days a week you post, just make sure it’s the same days every week. That way, your followers know when to expect to hear from you. 

What hashtags should I use?

Man oh man, this is also going to end up being its own post. Hashtags are unique to you and your business, and it’s such a hit-or-miss game.For now, I’ll leave you with this: look for hashtags related to your business, and don’t just pick ones with millions of followers. The smaller hashtags (between 10K and 100K) are actually where you’re more likely to be seen! 

How do I grow a following on Instagram?

Engagement. Plain and simple.Interacting with other accounts is one of the most overlooked aspects of having a successful Instagram presence. So many people are content to just post and then dip the heck out.Don’t do that.Take the time to respond to your comments. If someone takes the time to engage with your post (leave a comment, send you a message about it, etc), go show them some love on their profile!Another key thing that I do is I engage with hashtags. Just like your photos are showing up, other people’s are showing up too! Take ten minutes to scroll through and leave some likes and comments.Nobody is going to know you’re there if you don’t tell them who you are. Interested in knowing more about how to optimize your Instagram account? Find out how you can work with me here! Consultations are always free :)


HIWTSI So-Me: You Need A Blog


HIWTSI So-Me: How Facebook Can Help Your Business